Sunday 11 September 2011

Project One: Experience Enrichment - Rationale

Through extensive research on ice cream scoops, I’ve discovered that the majority of designs are primarily focused on functionality, neglecting aspects of comfort and satisfaction.  In this project I set out upon to redesign a scoop that would not only be function able, but to redesign it into a more pleasurable one that enriches and enhances the experiences of the user while engaging with it.  One of my main priorities of this task was to promote a “living relationship” between the tool and the user.  One of the approaches I took to achieve this was redesigning the scoop ergonomically, to increase the comfort in use.   Using ice cream scoops require a firm grip, the harder the ice cream the more effort and strength that is required to scoop it, a firm grip if required for any other hand tool.  Tissue compression (compression of soft tissue, in this case of the palm and fingers) may lead to obstructing blood circulation, leading to numbness and tingling, it may also lead to the forming of blisters due to the friction of the hand and tool.  The grip of the scoop was redesigned so that it spaces the fingers of the users slightly apart, ultimately to reduce tissue compression, when scooping ice cream, to increase comfort and satisfaction during long term use.  The scoop is primarily made out of stainless steel, for strength.  This allows the rim of the scoop head to maintain, it shape without bending, breaking or distorting its shape, as many other thinner scoop heads can do.  the handle is encased in a thick rubber layer to add grip, and prevent slipping.  The rubber will also create a cushion effect of the handle to reduce tissue compression to increase pleasure.  A bright blue colour was used for the grip, to evoke a feeling of calmness and coolness, which goes hand in hand with the thought of ice cream. 

Peer Comments:

Daniel Foo:
Toi Shan Chung:
Christina Le:
Dennis Lee :
Ricky Chu :


Jacqueline Bui said...

Your handle seems to meet the criteria of experiencing pleasure through the contours of the handle.

Vivian Ngo said...
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Vivian Ngo said...
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Ricky said...

The way youve designed the handle is quite pleasing though that big tip at the end sort of makes it abit intimidating at sight maybe you could of made the end smaller?

Vivian Ngo said...

your ice cream scoop is painted very nicely and the handle is quite comfortable to hold and use and complements the overall look of your design.although would if it was slightly more curved off around the edges, could be more comfortable?